Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Without my Banana


Would you give up your cell phone for $500 for a month? Yes or no? 

Yes, I would give up my iPhone for one month. Without my phone, I feel like I would be forgetting something. I check my notifications after class or when I get bored. Also, I check my phone when I am texting someone. Without my iPhone, I could find other ways to use my time, instead of worrying about paying for my iPhone or checking it constantly. I feel I would focus more on my school work than be interrupted by a buzz from my phone. Some might say no, because their phone is their life. I think my phone distracts me most of the time. I only really use it for communication and checking my social networking sites.

I would use the $500 towards buying a plane ticket. I feel going and exploring the world is more valuable than my cell phone. Traveling holds more memories and experiences. It can change one’s mind about life and experience something new for a change. My dream is to be able to travel the world someday. Putting this money towards a trip would seem more practical than keeping my phone for one more month.

Giving up my cell phone would be tough, but I think of all the experiences and memories I could make without worrying about taking document of it on my phone. Lots of people when they go to a concert, video tape the whole thing on their phones. I think they are not really enjoying the concert, their more interested in posting about it or making sure they have a video of that artist. Technology is improving a lot these days, but I try to remember to not let myself get caught up in it. I try to savor moments I have with some awesome friends and not have my cell phone interrupt those memorable times.

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