Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Think about that...
Technology has introduced so many new ways of communication, doing school work, and social interaction.

 It has brought up a new age of making things easier with having a smart phone, tablet, or computer. Technology has definitely changed since the first computer came out. Doing this experiment, I feel it would be harder now than it would have been back then. The college students that went for almost a month were pretty daring! I rely on my laptop for almost all of my homework. Most of the websites I use are myPoint, D2L, web email, and Webassign (math use) for my course work. I do not think I would be able to do this experience without failing a class. Yes, it would be extremely difficult because we rely on technology too much these days. I give those college students credit for participating in this experience.

These students relied a lot on their laptops for daily use as a college student. Without their laptops, they were forced to experience what it was like to not have the luxury of a laptop every day. Andrew was finding himself bored out of his mind. I noticed he found more things to do with his time. It made him realize what he was missing out on his campus and with his friends. I was surprised to see Chel using a typewriter for his final paper. I could not imagine using a typewriter. Personally, I suck at spelling and rely a lot on spell checker. Seeing them experience the hardships of not using their laptops made me realize how technology has a huge influence on our lives. Without my iPhone or laptop, things would be much harder for me. I see how much I use these things, and think “Wow, I never take time to think for myself, without listening to music, playing on my phone, or being on my laptop!” 

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