Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Writer's Choice

Role Model or not..?

If you do not know who the woman above, you might know her top hit song, "All About that Bass". Meghan Trainor's songs influence women to be themselves and not worry about their size you are.
Many think she influences women to make boys happy with having a "big booty" or even that "boys like a little more booty to hold at night". The positive aspect you should get out of her hit song is the empowerment, message of size doesn't matter, and be yourself! Her music is up-beat and is meant for women to get up and dance, and feel confident about themselves. In the article I read, the writer expresses Meghan's sound as "retro shtick is sustainable but not raw emotive material". Her music is about finding men and different situations with relationships. Also, she expresses her feelings through her music, like every artist does. But, I noticed her music is relatable to lots of women struggling with relationships, and how it can be difficult to be bigger (in size). She expresses this issue in her song "Close your Eyes". In this song she tells women to close your eyes and tell yourself you are beautiful inside and out!  

The article focuses more on how she is compared to other artists and does not have her own style in music. I do not agree with that statement at all. The author should have included how she is not like most Pop artists in the way she sings, dresses, and expresses her personality. Meghan Trainor is a true inspiration to younger women struggling with feeling out of place with the pressure to be a certain size, not being popular, and having a different personality. She is a role model for girls at younger ages who are not the size media wants them to be. She empowers all women to be confident with themselves and their bodies. She tells women to raise their voices and show them what beautiful is!

- Ashton Kusch

Article: http://www.slantmagazine.com/music/review/meghan-trainor-title

1 comment:

  1. Ashton, I really couldn't agree more! I think that her music really sticks out to me because it isn't too serious yet she tries her best to make the point that you should love yourself no matter what size you are. I also think that her songs are simple and upbeat so that younger girls can listen to them and get the message as well!
