Thursday, January 29, 2015

Embrace Life

Someday by Rob Thomas

(P.S. one of my favorite songs)

Yes, I am a huge Disney fanatic.

 Most people would see my playlist and would not expect me to listen to such artists. Above are some songs that I enjoy listening to because of their lyrics, how they sing the songs, and include such a strong meaning specifically to my life.

One song in particular that most would know is Anything Can Happen by Ellie Goulding. The song tells oneself that anything can happen. Sometimes life throws us far from what we ever imagined could happen. We just have to realize everything is going to be alright. The melody of the song just makes me want to get up and dance around, and feel like I have no care in the world. It lets me escape from reality and realize everything happens for a reason. You just have to know that it is going to be alright. I always have faith and live by this quote I wear on my ring every day, “Live by Faith, Not by Sight.”

Someday by Rob Thomas focuses on the bad and good days in life. In the song Rob sings,  “You can run or when everything is over and done, you can shine a little light around you…Man, it’s good to be someone.” I first heard this song while in the car with my mom driving to my great-grandmother’s funeral. It made me realize how important people are in each one of our lives. Sometimes we notice only the bad things in life, and do not realize the good things we have and take it for granted. Losing my great-grandmother was hard at such a younger age, but it made me notice how much of an impact she had on my life. She taught me to focus on the good days and live them with no regrets. If bad days come along, try to think of the positive ways to embrace it. Eventually, you look at the bad days and think of how you got to where you are now in life. Just take moment and think how important life can be, don’t take it for granted…

Some might think my playlist is depressing and mellow, but these songs reflect my emotions I have had throughout my life and the obstacles I have faced. I listen to these songs to make myself happier and realize I wouldn't have been where I am today without having an open mind, taking a chance, believing in myself, and pursuing my dreams! Take a chance and listen to my playlist. Listen to the lyrics and then see how you can relate to them. Ask yourself this, would you have been in a different place in life without influences of others? Does life get hard sometimes? If so, make the best of it and move on! Does life have many good days? Pursue your dreams and DO NOT let anyone tell you can’t.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the song you posted in the video, it has a hopeful message. Maybe it would be nice if we COULD just start over. Your playlist (and personality) remind me of my dad. Even though we have our differences, I still appreciate his optimism. Anyways, awesome playlist!

  3. I am also a big fan of Ellie Goulding, she is probably my favorite female singer and "Anything Could Happen" is one of my favorite songs by her, I used to listen to it on repeat when I went for long runs. I am not the biggest Rob Thomas fan, but do I think his music has a nice message.

  4. Ashton, I really liked that your were honest and raw about how your playlist might seem depressing to some people, but reflected how you where feeling. It's refreshing to see people talk about the songs that make them sad or remind them of a hard time because a lot of the time everyone focuses on uplifting songs.

  5. Peter, thanks! Thought many people did not know Rob Thomas, but mos tof his songs make you think about life!
    Jack, Ellie Goulding just makes you wanna get up and dance, or makes you more motivated to run. I also listen to her when I work out.
    Rachel, haha thanks, I am glad someone can relate to my many emotions. Sometimes listening to these songs can make me happier, such as Panic! At the Disco, or Walk the Moon...
